Jumat, 27 November 2009

young children can get cancer of the bone

Osteosarkoma, Kaposi osteogenik short, only one of the great family of bone tumors and cancers that number tens. Fuss, all symptoms of the disease was almost like-like. Today there are an estimated 53 and 21 bone tumors of bone cancer. On the call osteo (bone) and sarcoma (cancer of connective tissue) as a condition of some of sarcomas arising in the surrounding bone.

That need to beware of is the most attacked osteosarkoma children aged eight to a dozen years, though may also appear at the age of 50-70 years. Son or a daughter the same opportunity terkenanya, but increasing age, the risk will increase in boys. Until now scientists have not been able to answer what must peyebab. Suspected bone growth rate during adolescence contribute participated, although the exact process is still a mystery. The situation was compounded by the risk factors, such as X-ray radiation exposure and the presence of DNA in bone disorders, cancer that occurs in children's eye (retinoblastoma), abnormal growth of bone cells (bone dysplasia), Li Fraumeni syndrome or Rothmund Thomson syndrome.

Initially the tumor or "meat grown" does not feel sick or disturbing, so many people tend to be underestimated. But when he began to appear unspeakable pain, the patient will usually frantically for help, including the traditional massage. The patient felt pain like it osteosarkoma associated with bone. So do not be surprised if most of us and then ran into the traditional massage. Especially when the location of pain had a small accident or sprain while working out. Patients thought keseleonya relapse again and asked for a massage. For some time, probably will hialng complaints, but suddenly the pain was getting worse and swelling. There is a burning sensation radiating from the skin to the bone. Body part affected was also increasingly difficult to move. For example occurred in the foot so that the road will be crippled. Well, if all had symptoms appear, do not delay seeing a orthopedic specialist.

1 komentar:

  1. Thanks for this useful post. Here is some additional information about the "genetics" of this condition that was written by our Genetic Counselor and other genetic professionals: http://www.accessdna.com/condition/Rothmund_Thomson_Syndrome/331. Thanks, AccessDNA
