Jumat, 27 November 2009

Little more about Bone Cancer

If you suddenly feel pain in the bones with some visible symptoms of swelling and redness in some specific places in your body, so beware of all pertandanya. Bone cancer can attack various circles. A primary bone tumor bone tumor in which tumor cells derived from cells that form bone tissue, whereas secondary bone tumors are malignant tumors scattered children of non-bone organs that metastasize to bone.

Based on clinical assessment, radiological and Histopathologic careful of each bone tumors, it can be determined staging these tumors. Staging valid for benign tumors and malignant bone tumors. Staging system used for bone tumors is the Surgical Staging System of Enneking. For malignant tumors have stage 3 levels, namely:
1. Stage I, when the low malignancy degrees.
2. Stage II means the tumor has a high degree of malignancy.
3. Stage III, which means the tumor has spread.

Osteosarkoma (Sarcoma Osteogenik) is a primary malignant bone tumors, where it produces malignant tumors of bone and the cells are derived from primitive mesenkimal cells. Based on the WHO definition osteosarkoma are: Primary high grade malignant tumor in which the neoplastic cells produce osteoid (Christopher DM, 2002: 264). Osteosarkoma a malignant tumor most often found in children. The average disease diagnosed at the age of 15 years.

The incidence in boys and girls are equal, but at the end of adolescence this disease are more common in boys. The cause is certainly not unknown. Because the cause is unknown, it is difficult to prevent. To note, the bone cancer has nothing to do with food. Some people suspect that there are radioactive due to the environmental community. Osteosarkoma tends to grow in the femur (lower end), the upper arm bone (the top) and tibia (the top). The tip of the bones are the areas where there is a change and the largest growth rate. However, osteosarkoma can also grow in other bones.

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