Senin, 28 Desember 2009

Love poem


Love is my soul
Love is sacrifice
Love is my life
Love is I

Love, love, love

Love Words

And I open to your suggestion !


I can’t make it through without a way back into love

And if I open my heart to you

I guest I’m hoping you’ll be there for me in the end


Colonization (I think) is an action that is not praiseworthy and trouble others or themselves.

Colonization causes our hearts frozen and hard as stone. There was no sense of humanity, no social life.

Colonization makes us lazy
Lazy thinking
Malas act
Lazy to find a good charity
* Lazy lazy life for the good life

Colonization is hated and shunned all the creatures on Earth. Tuhanpun curse.

Colonization is despicable!

Diary - monday, December 28 2009

Dec 28th 2009
Today I have some sense of :
1. Yaaa taste a little annoyed
2. Tiredness
3. Taste neutral

Let's discuss:

1. Yaaa taste a little annoyed
Today there is little saay liver irritation, had been hell;
- At the meeting of Oz, my butt hit the table -__-"
- At the meeting of Oz (again) did not scold me in the clear by KHETUWWA
- The most annoying person of the World did not come. And I want to see, what's her style
of her!
2. Tiredness
This afternoon at 3:15 pm my dad and I put 1 CABINET OF FULL and I'd hold the lizard THE
BROKEN EGGS !!!!!!! ASTAJIIIIIM! With the spirit of a thousand steps and 45 I went to my
room while writhing with anger and with fear and GROSS 100% 10000000000000000%

3.Taste neutral
Ordinary sense of this I feel for ya I feel normal today and wrote thank God-like nge-post on
this blog again, hehe (because usually I very lazy)

Was yes! Bye!

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

Selena Gomez - naturally Lyrics and Video Clip

Selena Gomez

How you choose to express yourself
Its all your own and I can tell
It comes naturally,
it comes naturally

You follow what you feel inside,
It's intuitive, you don't have to try,

It comes naturally,
It comes naturally

And it takes my breath away
What you do, so naturally

You are the thunder and I am the lightning,
And I love the way you know who you are,
And to me it's exciting,
When you know it's meant to be,

Everything comes naturally,
It comes naturally,
When you're with me baby,
Everything comes naturally,
It comes naturally,

You have a way of moving me,
A force of nature, your energy,
It comes naturally,
(You know it does,)
It comes naturally,
(Oh yeah)

And it takes my breath away
What you do, so naturally

You are the thunder and I am the lightning,
And I love the way you know who you are,
And to me it's exciting,
When you know it's meant to be,

Everything comes naturally,
It comes naturally,
When you're with me baby,

Everything comes naturally,
It comes naturally,

When we collide, sparks fly
When you look in my eyes,
it takes my breath away

(You are)
You are the thunder and I am the lightening
And I love the way you know who you are
And to me it's exciting
When you know it's meant to be

Everything comes naturally,
it comes naturally
When youre with me, baby

Everything comes naturally,
it comes naturally

Naturally (x5)
Everything baby comes naturally

Jumat, 27 November 2009

Bone Cancer

Your body has 206 bones. These bones serve various functions differently.

First, your bones provide structure in your body and help to provide shape. The muscles attached to bones and allow you to move. Without the bones, your body will become a heap of soft tissues without structure, and you will not be able to stand, walk, or move.

Second, the bones to help protect the organs of the body more vulnerable. For example, the bones of the skull protects the brain, the vertebrae of the spine (spine) to protect the spinal cord (spinal cord), and the ribs protect the heart and lungs. Third, the bones contain bone marrow (bone marrow), which make and store blood cells only.

Finally, the bones help your body control the collection of a variety of proteins and nutrients, including calcium and phosphorus. Cancer Definition Your body is made up of many small structures called cells. There are many types different from that cells grow to form the different parts of your body. During the growth and normal development, these cells continuously grow, divide, and create new cells.

This process continues throughout life even after you are no longer growing. The cells continued to divide and new cells to replace cells that are old and damaged. In a healthy body is able to control the growth and division of cells according to the needs of the body. Cancer is when these normal control of cells lost and cells began to grow and divide out of control.

The cells also become abnormal and has changed its functions in patients with cancer. There are many types of cancer are different. Cancer is usually named based on the type of cell that is affected. For example, lung cancer is caused by the cells that form outside the control lung, and breast cancer cells that make up the breast. A tumor is a collection (collection) of abnormal cells that gathered together. However, not all tumors are cancerous.

A tumor can be benign (not cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Benign tumors are usually less dangerous and are not able to spread to other parts of the body. Malignant tumors are usually more serious and can spread to other areas of the body. The ability of cancer cells to leave their original location and moved to another location within the body is called metastasis.

Metastases can occur in cancer cells enter the blood stream or body of the lymph system (lymphatic system) to walk to other places in the body. When cancer cells metastasize to other parts of the body, they are still called with the type of origin of the abnormal cells. For example, if a group of cells into the diseased breast cancer and metastasize to the bones, it is called a metastatic cancer payudra. Many different types of cancer are able to metastasize to the bones.

Types of the most common cancers that spread to the bones are lung, breast, prostate, thyroid, and kidney. Most of the time, when people have cancer in their bones, it is caused by cancer that has spread from elsewhere in the body to the bones. It is more common not to have an original bone cancer, a cancer that arises from cells that form bone. It is important to determine whether the cancer in the bone is from somewhere else or from a cancer of the bone cells.

Treatments for cancers that metastasize to bone have been based on the initial type of cancer. There are 2 kinds of bone cancer:

1. Metastatic bone cancer or secondary bone cancer: cancer of other organs that spread to the bone, so the cancer does not come from the bone. An example is lung cancer that spread to the bone, where the cancer cells resemble lung cells and is not a bone cell.

2. Primary bone cancer: a cancer originating from bone. Which belong to the primary bone cancer are:

- Mieloma multiple - Osteosarkoma

- Fibrosarkoma & Histiositoma malignant fibrous

- Kondrosarkoma

- Tumor Ewing

- Malignant Lymphoma bone.

Multiple MIELOMA

Multiple Mieloma a primary bone cancer most often found, which come from bone marrow cells that produce blood cells. Generally occurs in adults. These tumors can be about one or more bones so that pain can appear in one place or more. Complex treatment, which include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery.


Osteosarkoma (Sarcoma Osteogenik) is a malignant bone tumor, which is usually associated with periods of growth velocity during adolescence. Osteosarkoma a malignant tumor most often found in children. The average disease diagnosed at the age of 15 years. The incidence in boys and girls are equal, but at the end of adolescence this disease are more common in boys. The cause is certainly not unknown. The evidence supports that osteosarkoma is derived disease.

Osteosarkoma tends to grow in the femur (lower end), the upper arm bone (the top) and tibia (the top). End of these bones is an area where there is a change and the largest growth rate. However, osteosarkoma can also grow in other bones. The most common symptom is pain found. In line with the growth of tumors, can also occur swelling and limited movement. Tumors in the legs cause limping patients, whereas the tumor causes pain in the arm when the arm used to lift an object. Swelling of the tumor may be felt warm and slightly reddened.

Early signs of this disease may be a broken bone because tumors can cause bones to become weak. Fractures in the growth of tumor called a pathological fracture and often occurs after a routine movement.

# The usual examination: X-ray bone affected

# CT scans of affected bone

# Blood tests (including serum chemistry)

# Chest CT scan to see the spread to the lungs

# Open biopsy

# Skening bone to see the spread of tumors.

Before the surgery, which is usually given chemotherapy will cause tumors to shrink. Chemotherapy is also important because it will kill any tumor cells that had begun to spread. Chemotherapy is usually given:

- High-dose Methotrexate with leukovorin

- Doxorubicin (adriamycin)

- Cisplatin - Cyclophosphamide (sitoksan)

- Bleomycin.

If it has not happened spread to the lungs, then the life expectancy reaches 60%. Approximately 75% of patients survive to 5 years after the illness diagnosed.

Little more about Bone Cancer

If you suddenly feel pain in the bones with some visible symptoms of swelling and redness in some specific places in your body, so beware of all pertandanya. Bone cancer can attack various circles. A primary bone tumor bone tumor in which tumor cells derived from cells that form bone tissue, whereas secondary bone tumors are malignant tumors scattered children of non-bone organs that metastasize to bone.

Based on clinical assessment, radiological and Histopathologic careful of each bone tumors, it can be determined staging these tumors. Staging valid for benign tumors and malignant bone tumors. Staging system used for bone tumors is the Surgical Staging System of Enneking. For malignant tumors have stage 3 levels, namely:
1. Stage I, when the low malignancy degrees.
2. Stage II means the tumor has a high degree of malignancy.
3. Stage III, which means the tumor has spread.

Osteosarkoma (Sarcoma Osteogenik) is a primary malignant bone tumors, where it produces malignant tumors of bone and the cells are derived from primitive mesenkimal cells. Based on the WHO definition osteosarkoma are: Primary high grade malignant tumor in which the neoplastic cells produce osteoid (Christopher DM, 2002: 264). Osteosarkoma a malignant tumor most often found in children. The average disease diagnosed at the age of 15 years.

The incidence in boys and girls are equal, but at the end of adolescence this disease are more common in boys. The cause is certainly not unknown. Because the cause is unknown, it is difficult to prevent. To note, the bone cancer has nothing to do with food. Some people suspect that there are radioactive due to the environmental community. Osteosarkoma tends to grow in the femur (lower end), the upper arm bone (the top) and tibia (the top). The tip of the bones are the areas where there is a change and the largest growth rate. However, osteosarkoma can also grow in other bones.

young people can get osteoporosis

Young children have a lifestyle that is vulnerable to the disease osteoporosis or bone loss. Why did it happen? Though osteoporosis is generally attacked parents with age above 50 years. Osteoporosis is a disorder with a character or density of bone mass density decreases because of the disruption on the structure of bone tissue, causing bones to become brittle and facilitate the occurrence of fractures, especially in the pelvis, spine, and arms. Osteoporosis is usually rare or no symptoms at all, although the radiological reduction of bone mass density of about 30% will be seen.

Early symptoms of osteoporosis are generally characterized by pain, especially in the back area, followed by fractures to the spine causing severe pain. Lifestyle adopted by young people today are very concerned about it. Their lifestyles who want to slim, like smoking, alcohol consumption, and reluctant to be exposed to the sun can increase your risk of osteoporosis. Many teenagers who want to look slim, so they refused to drink milk for fear of being fat.

In addition, young women are generally reluctant to exposure to the sun, for fear of black skin, which eventually lead to their lack of vitamin D. Smoking habits are also common in young lingkungananak. Nicotine contained in cigarettes may absorb calcium in the body's reserves, as well as the consumption of alcohol.

If young people do not want to implement a healthy lifestyle with a balanced nutrition, it is feared they will be generations of osteoporosis in two or three more decades. The process of accumulation of bone tissue that is not strong at the time of growth will cause a person experiences more rapid bone loss compared with a stronger bone tissue. For that, the youth should meet the needs of calcium and vitamin D each day through a healthy lifestyle.

Teen calcium needs about 1,000 milligrams per day, while the need for vitamin D is recommended around 400 to 800 IU per day.

young children can get cancer of the bone

Osteosarkoma, Kaposi osteogenik short, only one of the great family of bone tumors and cancers that number tens. Fuss, all symptoms of the disease was almost like-like. Today there are an estimated 53 and 21 bone tumors of bone cancer. On the call osteo (bone) and sarcoma (cancer of connective tissue) as a condition of some of sarcomas arising in the surrounding bone.

That need to beware of is the most attacked osteosarkoma children aged eight to a dozen years, though may also appear at the age of 50-70 years. Son or a daughter the same opportunity terkenanya, but increasing age, the risk will increase in boys. Until now scientists have not been able to answer what must peyebab. Suspected bone growth rate during adolescence contribute participated, although the exact process is still a mystery. The situation was compounded by the risk factors, such as X-ray radiation exposure and the presence of DNA in bone disorders, cancer that occurs in children's eye (retinoblastoma), abnormal growth of bone cells (bone dysplasia), Li Fraumeni syndrome or Rothmund Thomson syndrome.

Initially the tumor or "meat grown" does not feel sick or disturbing, so many people tend to be underestimated. But when he began to appear unspeakable pain, the patient will usually frantically for help, including the traditional massage. The patient felt pain like it osteosarkoma associated with bone. So do not be surprised if most of us and then ran into the traditional massage. Especially when the location of pain had a small accident or sprain while working out. Patients thought keseleonya relapse again and asked for a massage. For some time, probably will hialng complaints, but suddenly the pain was getting worse and swelling. There is a burning sensation radiating from the skin to the bone. Body part affected was also increasingly difficult to move. For example occurred in the foot so that the road will be crippled. Well, if all had symptoms appear, do not delay seeing a orthopedic specialist.

romantic songs

Glory Of Love (Peter Cetera)
"I am a man who will fight for your honor, I'll be the hero you're dreaming of ."

Until The End Of Time (Justin Timberlake)
"'Cause if your love was all I had in this life, that would be enough until the end of time."

The Way You Look Tonight (Tony Bennett)
"Some day, when I'm awfully low, when the world is cold, I will feel a glow just thinking of you.. And the way you look tonight."

The Only Exception (Paramore)
"And that was the day I promised, I'd never sing of love if it does not exist. But darling, you are the only exception."

More Than Words (Extreme)
"More than words is all I ever needed you to show, then you wouldn't have to say that you love me 'cause I'd already know."

Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman (Bryan Adams)
"When you can see your unborn children in her eyes, you know you really love a woman."

A Whole New World (Peabo Bryson & Regina Belle)
"A whole new world.. that’s where we’ll be. A thrilling chase, a wondrous place for you and me."

When You Look Me In The Eyes (Jonas Brothers)
"Gonna tell you that I love you, in the best way that I can. I can't take a day without you here, you're the light that makes my darkness disappear."

I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing (Aerosmith)
"I could stay awake just to hear you breathing, watch you smile while you're sleeping, while you're far away and dreaming."

Last Night On Earth (Green Day)
"With every breath that I am worth, here on earth, I'm sending all my love to you."

Can't Fight This Feeling (Cory Monteith)
"And it always seems that I'm following you, girl.. 'cause you take me to the places that alone I'd never find.

"Love (John Lennon)
"Love is you, you and me. Love is knowing, we can be."

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Kamis, 19 November 2009

Diary - Friday, November 20 2009

Dear Diary,
Disgust !!!! Very very very disgust ! If translate to Indonesian is 'JIJIK' or 'SEBAL'.

Why i say that ? Because i am verri Disgust to my female cousin, her name is N**** ******** ! Yes, maybe I should not be resentful to her but since she a little girl, she makes everyone angry ! And you know She have very much negative sides, one of them is SHE SAY TO EVERYONE AND SHE BELIEVE, SHE IS BEAUTIFUL ! But it is NOT ! not ! not ! and not! Oh my Gosh !!!

I am very don't like her, and you know why, why i don't like her. And approximately 1 week, she want to makes me angry make me degraded and what ever, SHE BUY COSMETICS LIKE I HAVE !!!!! SO STUPID GIRL SHE IS ! SO CHEAP SHE IS !! My Heart so hot !!!!! Huhhh... She make me crazy !

Here She is...

Rabu, 30 September 2009

Shit !


At night my hand until the morning of pain, I went lallu to RS.Fatmaxxxx.
And bad luck on this day are:

1. Pain
2. Did not go to school
3. A little behind the material
4. Waiting for the doctor to come a very long time
5. Haus
6. In the syringe several times
7. Lunch is not bad
8. Hot air
9. To the mall just to buy snacks
10. Home to meet my friend the V and F.

And you know what? the no.10 is very embarrassing for me!
When I got on bus, they saw me! Because I was surprised, I can't say anything and they laugh at me! Shit!

And I hope this bad luck does not continue . Amen .

Mati lampu / dying light / lights out

Yesterday, Tuesday and Wednesday in my home power outages.
And the room in the house into darkness. Can not get online, could not watch TV, and can not sink. On Tuesday, 7.5 hours ofpower outages. Wednesday while in power outages for more than 9 hours.It 's very boring!

On Tuesday, the electric lights during hours of 9:00 pm.
On Wednesday, the electric lights during hours of 06.30 pm when my mom came home after work.
ps: funny thing happened and the secret:My father was bathing in the bathroom in the house my grandfather because my grandfather did not die of electricity! hehehe (but it's a secret!)

Sabtu, 19 September 2009

Happy holiday Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1430 Hijri

Yes, today, Sunday, 20 September 2009 is the day of Idul Fitri in Indonesia.

First, I want to say "Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin", apologize to the spiritual and physical things, to my Parents, my Grandmother is in Jakarta who was in good condition and health always, amien, my Grandmother is in Bandung, which is ill disease may be healed and healthy always, amien, and also to my Brother and my Friends.

Last night, exactly as Takbiran night and my Brother and Sisters, went to the auntie's house, Grandmother, and another brother. We went on that night to stay in touch and give Parcel, is food and beverages. And at home, we saw a beautiful fireworks, but his voice and a rather large surprise that makes Yasmin, my Cousin was crying with fear.

In the morning, I woke up rather late 05.30 am, but Alhamdulillah I was not too late to perform Eid prayer. My Eid prayer with my Grandmother, Nida, Fathya, Mom, Daddy, Anti, Yasmin, Nurul, Nabila, Nazila, Mom Dila, and much more. A rather funny incident occurred when Yasmin was crying to go home, but it is when we praying Eid in the first Raka'at.

When he finished praying Ied, me, Anti, Nurul, and Nida go to my Grandfather's grave is located right next to the mosque, and we also go to our grandfather's father's tomb, namely H.Zaini bin H.Mugeni, and we read the prayer in tomb.

Then after we got home, my family and apologize to each other. and deliver another parcel. After that, me and my family go to Pasar Minggu . At night, my Family and I will prepare the dress and the other to go to Bandung.

Rabu, 16 September 2009

Radio ABA

My grandpa's photos :



For most people, calls 'ABA' is for the father.

But if my family calls 'ABA' is for

my grandfather from my mother.

But actually the same.

My grandfather was a grown man (of course).

He is a very good father and wise for her children,


1. My uncle (Z. Fahmi)

2. My mother

3. My aunt (Noerhayati)

4. My aunt (Nurhasanah)

5. My aunt (Dian F)

And he's also a good grandfather and friendly,

and wise for her granddaughter, namely:

1. I

2. Nurul Q

3. Riyanti N.A

4. Farhanida

5. Khairil A

6. Dihya A

7. Fathya R.U

8. M. N. Ehsan

9. M. Aqli M

10.M.Rizian J

11.N.Yasmin A

12.F.Naylatussyarafah H

13.M.Zahran M

My grandfather was a grandfather figure who can not forget.

I can not express in words or writing, and so what has he taught me,

and who he is.

Approximately 1 / 2 wrap before the day of his death, he gave me something very precious to me, namely his "RADIO" for me.

My grandfather told me that radio is radio so he loved.

And I knew that. He often recorded his voice when he was the Koran/ mengaji. He is usually the Koran/mengaji at the time of Maghrib, and every day.

His voice is very good and he said near the right words tajwid unlawful.

When we hear his voice, the heart is felt calm and peaceful.

I miss his voice.

Aba died on October 16, 2004.

I've been dreaming to see him 2 times.

1. In my dream, in the family room, there Aba. He was getting ready to go exercise. Looks like he wants to go fishing or play baseball, or play golf. Ordinary face, and he did not speak a word.

2. Today.In my dream, Aba wants buried. But, before the burial, I met him.

Say wanted to say "Aba, Lia so sorry. Lia and all pray for Aba get in heaven." But, I am very sad, because I have not said that. I am very sorry. And now, if my family and I want to Aba in heaven, we must pray for him to in heaven, the charity received well, and read a chapter in the al-Quran for him.

And the lessons that can be taken from this:

" Jika seseorang atau keluarga, atau siapapun yang kita kenal, perlakukanlah dia dengan sebaik-baiknya, usahakan agar kita dapat menyenangkannya, dan kita tidak menyusahkannya , dan tolonglah ia se mampu kita selagi ia ada dan selagi kita masih ada ." (in Indonesian)

My first page in ' Amelia Zabidih's blog ' !

Hi! My name is Amelia. Ade Amelia's my real name .
I was born in Jakarta, May 4.
Now I am 13 years old.
I live in Jakarta.

This is my second blog. My first blog was' my favorite music!! '.
My first blog address is
You can also visit me at :
1. facebook
2. friendster
3. yahoo
4. g-mail
5. looklet
6. my space

I'll see you next time!
