Rabu, 30 September 2009

Shit !


At night my hand until the morning of pain, I went lallu to RS.Fatmaxxxx.
And bad luck on this day are:

1. Pain
2. Did not go to school
3. A little behind the material
4. Waiting for the doctor to come a very long time
5. Haus
6. In the syringe several times
7. Lunch is not bad
8. Hot air
9. To the mall just to buy snacks
10. Home to meet my friend the V and F.

And you know what? the no.10 is very embarrassing for me!
When I got on bus, they saw me! Because I was surprised, I can't say anything and they laugh at me! Shit!

And I hope this bad luck does not continue . Amen .

Mati lampu / dying light / lights out

Yesterday, Tuesday and Wednesday in my home power outages.
And the room in the house into darkness. Can not get online, could not watch TV, and can not sink. On Tuesday, 7.5 hours ofpower outages. Wednesday while in power outages for more than 9 hours.It 's very boring!

On Tuesday, the electric lights during hours of 9:00 pm.
On Wednesday, the electric lights during hours of 06.30 pm when my mom came home after work.
ps: funny thing happened and the secret:My father was bathing in the bathroom in the house my grandfather because my grandfather did not die of electricity! hehehe (but it's a secret!)

Sabtu, 19 September 2009

Happy holiday Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1430 Hijri

Yes, today, Sunday, 20 September 2009 is the day of Idul Fitri in Indonesia.

First, I want to say "Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin", apologize to the spiritual and physical things, to my Parents, my Grandmother is in Jakarta who was in good condition and health always, amien, my Grandmother is in Bandung, which is ill disease may be healed and healthy always, amien, and also to my Brother and my Friends.

Last night, exactly as Takbiran night and my Brother and Sisters, went to the auntie's house, Grandmother, and another brother. We went on that night to stay in touch and give Parcel, is food and beverages. And at home, we saw a beautiful fireworks, but his voice and a rather large surprise that makes Yasmin, my Cousin was crying with fear.

In the morning, I woke up rather late 05.30 am, but Alhamdulillah I was not too late to perform Eid prayer. My Eid prayer with my Grandmother, Nida, Fathya, Mom, Daddy, Anti, Yasmin, Nurul, Nabila, Nazila, Mom Dila, and much more. A rather funny incident occurred when Yasmin was crying to go home, but it is when we praying Eid in the first Raka'at.

When he finished praying Ied, me, Anti, Nurul, and Nida go to my Grandfather's grave is located right next to the mosque, and we also go to our grandfather's father's tomb, namely H.Zaini bin H.Mugeni, and we read the prayer in tomb.

Then after we got home, my family and apologize to each other. and deliver another parcel. After that, me and my family go to Pasar Minggu . At night, my Family and I will prepare the dress and the other to go to Bandung.

Rabu, 16 September 2009

Radio ABA

My grandpa's photos :



For most people, calls 'ABA' is for the father.

But if my family calls 'ABA' is for

my grandfather from my mother.

But actually the same.

My grandfather was a grown man (of course).

He is a very good father and wise for her children,


1. My uncle (Z. Fahmi)

2. My mother

3. My aunt (Noerhayati)

4. My aunt (Nurhasanah)

5. My aunt (Dian F)

And he's also a good grandfather and friendly,

and wise for her granddaughter, namely:

1. I

2. Nurul Q

3. Riyanti N.A

4. Farhanida

5. Khairil A

6. Dihya A

7. Fathya R.U

8. M. N. Ehsan

9. M. Aqli M

10.M.Rizian J

11.N.Yasmin A

12.F.Naylatussyarafah H

13.M.Zahran M

My grandfather was a grandfather figure who can not forget.

I can not express in words or writing, and so what has he taught me,

and who he is.

Approximately 1 / 2 wrap before the day of his death, he gave me something very precious to me, namely his "RADIO" for me.

My grandfather told me that radio is radio so he loved.

And I knew that. He often recorded his voice when he was the Koran/ mengaji. He is usually the Koran/mengaji at the time of Maghrib, and every day.

His voice is very good and he said near the right words tajwid unlawful.

When we hear his voice, the heart is felt calm and peaceful.

I miss his voice.

Aba died on October 16, 2004.

I've been dreaming to see him 2 times.

1. In my dream, in the family room, there Aba. He was getting ready to go exercise. Looks like he wants to go fishing or play baseball, or play golf. Ordinary face, and he did not speak a word.

2. Today.In my dream, Aba wants buried. But, before the burial, I met him.

Say wanted to say "Aba, Lia so sorry. Lia and all pray for Aba get in heaven." But, I am very sad, because I have not said that. I am very sorry. And now, if my family and I want to Aba in heaven, we must pray for him to in heaven, the charity received well, and read a chapter in the al-Quran for him.

And the lessons that can be taken from this:

" Jika seseorang atau keluarga, atau siapapun yang kita kenal, perlakukanlah dia dengan sebaik-baiknya, usahakan agar kita dapat menyenangkannya, dan kita tidak menyusahkannya , dan tolonglah ia se mampu kita selagi ia ada dan selagi kita masih ada ." (in Indonesian)

My first page in ' Amelia Zabidih's blog ' !

Hi! My name is Amelia. Ade Amelia's my real name .
I was born in Jakarta, May 4.
Now I am 13 years old.
I live in Jakarta.

This is my second blog. My first blog was' my favorite music!! '.
My first blog address is http://bloggeradeamelia.com
You can also visit me at :
1. facebook
2. friendster
3. yahoo
4. g-mail
5. looklet
6. my space

I'll see you next time!
